Big and Smoll: A cube quest is a puzzle-platformer where you need guide a cube to the end of the level. But you dont take controll of it, press the play button and the cube is gona take its way, you need control its scale to help it to surpass the obstacles. you made a mistake? dont´t worry, just press the rewind button and go back, you can also controll the scale of time.

This is your cube, it dont have a name... yet.

See those buttons? as you can imagine, they help you control time, with the play button (the one in the rigth) the action start and our cube can it´s gonna move. With the pause button (the one in the middle) the time stop, be carefully, when the time stop the cube loss any external force and when the play button it´s used again it´s gonna star moving normally. The last button it´s the rewind button, with this you con go on reverse.

The camera move using this cute slider (I know, it´s not that cute, but be nice with it).

See those cute sliders? with them you can change the scale of our cube, the green one change it´s high and the red one change his long (Yes, all sliders are cute).

See this yellow thing? it´s a jumper, when the cube touch it its gonna mke it jump. If you the pause button in middle of the jump thecube it´s gonna lose the jump.

Next we have the key and the close door, touch the key and the door it´is gonna open, touch the door and it's gonna throw you back

The cube like flowers, give him flowers. In every level thers 3 of thems.

The end of the level is that blue flag, go for it and finish the level.

Updated 22 days ago
Published 27 days ago
TagsGame Maker's Toolkit Jam, Puzzle-Platformer, Time Travel

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